D.C in December

   This yr. we celebrated Sean's 9th Birthday in Washington, D.C.  Sean has come to be completely fascinated with history. Especially, Abraham Lincoln. Robert and I thought it would be perfect to entertain his interests, and so we did! We booked our trip for a weeks stay at Bolling AFB in Washington, D.C located only ten minutes away from the National Mall. Whenever we travel with our children, we always stay on another military installation. (It's easy on the pocket book!) There are numerous landmarks and museums to explore and catch sight of in the downtown D.C area, at little to no cost. Definitely, bundle up this time of year! We endured some chilly temperatures and even snow flurries the week we were there. (Mid-Dec.) Don't forget to bring comfortable shoes, you'll be doing a lot walking! 

   After months of thoughtfully planning Sean's birthday week. Robert and I had one more whopping surprise for the kids. They were definitely taken by surprise as we had my in-laws fly out to Washington, D.C to celebrate the week with us. For the boys, this was icing on the cake! This trip turned out to be one of the most memorable family trips we've taken. 

A must while your in town running around:

-National Mall ( landmarks, museums etc.) *FREE
Free parking located near T. Jefferson monument
-Smithsonian Museum ( Natural History) *FREE
-Smithsonian Museum ( National Air and Space Museum)*FREE
- My boys got a kick just walking past the FBI building.
-Fords Theater (inexpensive) 
-Holocaust Museum *FREE
-Capitol Hill (visitor center) *FREE security is NO JOKE! you can book a tour,but we toured ourselves.
-Library of Congress *FREE 
-U.S Bureau of engraving and Printing *FREE (closed on weekends)
-National Harbor in Maryland 

The list of things to do can be quite extensive! However, there is still plenty more to do than what I've listed above. You may not have the chance to do everything, but the top three listed above plus the National Harbor in Maryland, were a big hit with my kids.

A few photos from our family trip to Washington, D.C. (Back in December) We absolutely love it here! 

                                  A little ice castle fun with the family. (You bet we took lil' K!)

                                                               K inside Fords Theater.
                                                                National Harbor, MD
Beautiful architecture inside the Library of Congress.  
   Below is a photo of  Sprinkles in Georgetown, D.C. One of our favorite family stops, while were in town.

