Summer update

It's late, but the thunderstorms are pretty violent right now making it very difficult to sleep.  So I thought I'd update the blog.  Feel you all in on what's been happening and what's to come.

July has been keeping us quite busy around here in the Ramirez household, but honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. There is so much to look forward to in the weeks to come; Our nine year wedding anniversary, Florida vacay (Kenza's first trip) and preparing Devin for his first year in elementary school this Aug. So exciting!  Sean and Devin have both been quite occupied themselves. They've been attending summer swim lessons and have both been actively involved in their weekly summer reading program.  If it were up to the boys, they'd be at the pool all day everyday. I don't blame them. The extreme heat and humidity here in M.S make summers miserable. 

 Now that my husbands back home from training. We've been trying to schedule more time together.  We've tried working out together and let me tell you five days into it, matter of fact I might've not even lasted the whole five days. It just sounds good, long story short I quit!  He's a very active man. I would never discredit him, but I'm not sure if he had forgotten I recently had a Caesarian and have not worked out since making a full recovery. I literally compared my mid section to my ferret that's how I honestly felt. For every workout move I could not successfully do I'd say, "is there an alternative way I can still work this muscle."  LOL! We've decided movie night will do!  I have you know I may have quit working out with my husband, but I'm not giving up that easy. Today I took my first step towards my weight loss goal and went for a run. I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things . My goal is to shred ten pounds.  Consistency, positive attitude and a healthy diet is key!  I've been inspired by so many ladies and new mothers to keep pushing.  Ladies I recently started following she's an amazing mother of three and has gone through a hundred pound transformation successfully. Briana Christine is so inspirational and posts free workouts on her YouTube. I also follow her on Instagram bikini body mommy.

Photo of the day our little angel pie Kenza Rose. Received her adorable new braided leather headbands from little Kate designs.


