A little late, but worth the wait!

  First off Happy New Yr!  I've been meaning to update my blog for quite sometime.  So much has transpired since my last blog post.  I find it very difficult to belly up to you other bloggers. Kudos to you guys! I've clearly been struggling with keeping my blog up to date, but tonight's the night! I'll be updating my blog up-to-the-minute.

August 2014

   Shortly after we returned from vacationing down in Pensacola, FL Sean and Devin were preparing to start their first day of school. Sean started his first yr of third grade and Devin started his first yr of Kindergarten. My husband and I always get emotional. We tend to reminisce about the day they were born. My how time flies! Devin is our lil' preemie, fighter, sweetheart and quite the character. Sean is our first born, very passionate, such an old soul, brilliant and kind little guy. It's amazing how different their personalities are.

   I'm not going to lie, the first few weeks of school were quite challenging for myself and the kids.(i.e. Adjusting to a new school schedule, homework, work etc.) Definitely took sometime getting use to. Devin struggled for a bit in the classroom setting. I truly felt Devin was at a slight disadvantage because he had very minimal preschool experience. (In my opinion) Where as Sean started with mommy and me (which we loved) and shortly after jumped right into preschool. Unfortunately, for Devin he was too young to remember being toted around while we took Sean to school. Devin started preschool in CA (Camp Pendleton) it wasn't for very long. Soon after he began, we received orders to our next duty station (which were at now) MS. Talk about going from one extreme to another.  I'll be the first to admit I took a lot for granted.

September 2014

  Not a whole lot occurred this month. Our baby girl Kenza turned six months. Rob and I had decided to get the ball rolling a bit early and start party planning for Kenza's first birthday to Walt Disney World and Sean's ninth birthday to Washington, D.C.


  The beginning of October was pretty bumpy already and then parent teacher conference happened.  Sean's conference went very well, however Devin's didn't go over so well. In fact, it was completely unacceptable. Let's just say Devin didn't take his class work very seriously...  I laugh now, but it was not funny then.  He had unsatisfactory across the board (basically straight F's) like any other parent, I was very disappointed. Devin's conference had to have been the most difficult and drawn out five minutes of my life. Everything was orchestrated so wrong! I never felt so awkward. Every parent had their specific conference time. I do understand that not everything will be prompt and perfect. (Parents will run late, conference times may exceed the five minutes etc.) however, I would have expected a lot more privacy. The conferences were held in the classroom and apparently so was the waiting area. While I was waiting, I felt like I was getting briefed on every student.
   After all was said and done, I initially wanted to go home and ring Devin's little neck.(this did not happen) and  my mind was spinning. This all came as a bit of a shock. I wasn't expecting his first conference to be perfect, but I wasn't expecting it to be this rough either. I was completely blind sided. I'll be the first to admit my kids are not perfect.  Devin loves to socialize laugh and play (which I know there is a time and place for this behavior) teaching my five yr old to filter himself can be challenging at times. Unfortunately,  I felt a cold indirect vibe from his teacher almost insinuating that I should get my son evaluated. At this point, she lost me! I've kept my cool and all I could say at that particular moment was,  "I'll definitely work a lot harder with Devin".

    As a parent you tend to take negative feedback about your child very personally. You can't help but  hold yourself responsible. Somewhere a long the line you felt as though you failed.  I felt it all!  I came down on myself pretty hard and may have overreacted just a bit :) Looking back at this now in a more positive light,  I'm so thankful these issues were addressed early on. I'm so happy to say Devin's grades have improved tremendously. We haven't seen an F since his first progress report. For the record we adore Devin's kindergarten teacher after all she was Sean's kindergarten teacher as well.

    October started with a little hiccup, but it wasn't all that bad. Kenza turned seven months on the 19th of October. We dressed her up as an adorable little bumble bee.(For her First Halloween)  I couldn't wait to finally take her little costume off the hanger. I only had the damn thing since the beginning of summer :)

November 2014

    Thanksgiving was pretty quiet and laid back around here.  We celebrated our first Thanksgiving as a party of five. This was also our first yr we didn't spend with our families back home in CA. (We miss you all!) The boys didn't seem to mind under one condition. In the words of my son Sean, " Mom you have to cook a FEAST." I told him, Piece of cake! I  live in a house with two growing boys and a husband. I feel like we feast every night :) of course I wasn't going to confess to him how many times I actually cooked a turkey in the ten yrs I've been with his father :) Truth be told this was my second time ever cooking a turkey. LOL! It was a HIT!  Till this day Sean raves about my turkey.
